How to Cause Insight and Begin Behavior Change in Your Team
Insight is characterized by that moment when we make a new discovery, have a new idea, make a new choice, or achieve a breakthrough. Are you ready?

Coaching and Leading Others
Micro Course Details
1 Video Workout
1 Leadership Workbook
Estimated time: 1 Hour
Randy Hall
First let’s define what insight even means. It is characterized by that aha moment when we make a new discovery, have a new idea, make a new choice or declaration, achieve a breakthrough in our thinking or connect ideas in ways we never have before or land on a path that becomes clear and obvious. It releases a flood of neurotransmitters and immediately begins to form a new constellation of neural networks in our brain that forever change it and also forever change our future beliefs, actions, and interactions.
I don’t mean to make it sound so melodramatic, but insight is connected to every big discovery, like electricity or gravity or yes, the world being round, and also to every human change like I’m going to eat healthier, or change the way I organize my day or lead others differently or go get that promotion or any of those.
Make no mistake, it can also be connected to negative changes too, like, "my boss is a jerk and I am not working this hard for him or her anymore", or it can happen and generate absolutely nothing like a new year’s resolution. Tons of insight about what we want to make different in the new year but not much follow through on getting there.
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