December 11, 2020

Step 1 - Future State 01 As a leader, you can help someone create their future state, but you cannot make someone choose the future state that you desire for them. Step 2 - Ignition 02 Ignition is the spark that connects your emotional brain to your executive functions. This can rewire your brain and

December 4, 2020

Leadership Workout 01 Thoughts drive our actions, and actions lead to results. Proactive coaching begins with thoughts and is focused on setting others up for success instead of reacting to their results. Fitness Plan 02 Schedule proactive coaching, prepare for it, and be consistent with it. If you’re consistently coaching in a proactive way, others

December 3, 2020

Leadership Workout  01 After always believing that you can help others be successful by telling them what you think about their performance, it can be challenging to wrap your mind around the research that says otherwise. Fitness Plan  02 We’re able to have a positive impact in the daily life and careers of those around

November 30, 2020

Leadership Workout 01 What often happens in leadership is that instead of building accountability, we simply react to the lack of accountability. Fitness Plan 02 To create accountability in any group or even any individual, we have to first define it in a way that we can execute against. One of the things that I

November 23, 2020

Leadership Workout 01 It is critical to any successful journey that we choose a destination that is compelling, clear and helps to guide our choices along the way, and Leadership is no different. Fitness Plan 02 Starting with a clear definition of success means you can examine your habits, patterns and impulses to make sure

November 20, 2020

As you give feedback or input to a person, their emotional brain may deflect or defend against it, depending on their beliefs of who they are as a person, and their perception of you as a leader. Your goal in giving great feedback is to help them move from a reaction (their emotional brain) to

November 13, 2020

Leadership Workout 01 If a leader can build a consistent approach as they coach and lead others, they have a tremendous opportunity to lead at a level that few people can even get close to. Fitness Plan 02 Habits are our brain’s way of automating things we repeat in our lives and some of the

November 12, 2020

Slow down when you first step into a new leadership role. As you’re learning and trying new things, it’s critical to give yourself enough time to see if the path you’re taking is the best one for you and your team. Having ample time will give you an opportunity to plan appropriately and sufficiently as you

November 3, 2020

Leadership Workout 01 It is critical to any successful journey that we choose a destination that is compelling, clear and helps to guide our choices along the way, and Leadership is no different. Fitness Plan 02 Starting with a clear definition of success means you can examine your habits, patterns and impulses to make sure

October 21, 2020

How to Coach Better Than a Boss is a short 3-part course that will help you think differently about coaching and developing others. Access to each session will be emailed to you, and you can watch them on your own schedule. Access to each session will be emailed to you, and you can access them as

October 9, 2020

A success profile is a description or picture of the ideal person you want to fill a role on your team. It is the foundation for a successful talent pipeline. Unlike a job description, that describes the duties required or experience needed, a success profile describes the human needed for the role. Your success profile will

October 9, 2020

Vision causes people to choose. This gets people engaged, caring about, and contributing to something bigger. It connects people to our “why”. This reduces assumptions of negative attempt, and helps others understand why something is important, and why we want to move in that direction. Time: Approx. 1 hr. Segment: Culture, Talent & Team Workouts: 1 course

October 9, 2020

As a leader, you get to choose the kind of team you want. Do you want a compliant or a committed team? Your team is shaped over time by the way you operate. Until you put in the work to get the type of team you want to build, you won’t make progress toward making

October 9, 2020

Performance is based on results. Potential is based on possibilities.   Performance is comprised of habits, results, and experience. Does the person you’re assessing have a set of routines that cause them to perform well? Do they achieve positive measurable results? Can they replicate strong achievement consistently over time? Potential consists of attitude, habit building, confidence, effort,

October 9, 2020

One of the things that I hear most when working with leaders is that they want their team to be more accountable. They may call it self-starting, responsible, self-sufficient, action-oriented or other words like that, but they generally settle on accountability as something they’d like to see more of on their team or in their

October 8, 2020

Resistance occurs when our expectations are changed. It happens when we run into things that we were not expecting. The orbitofrontal cortex part of our brain looks for unexpected things in our world, so we can run from them. Then the amygdala in our brain tells us to stress out and to focus on survival

October 8, 2020

Through consistent coaching you can help someone move from where they are, to where they want to be. The first step in coaching someone is to help them find their future state. This could be a life achievement, or a small step in the right direction towards meeting a goal. By putting forth the effort

October 8, 2020

Thoughts drive our actions, and actions lead to results. Proactive coaching begins with thoughts and is focused on setting others up for success instead of reacting to their results. You can use proactive coaching to help others focus on moving toward their definition of success or something they care about, instead of focusing on moving

October 8, 2020

First let’s define what insight even means.  It is characterized by that aha moment when we make a new discovery, have a new idea, make a new choice or declaration, achieve a breakthrough in our thinking or connect ideas in ways we never have before or land on a path that becomes clear and obvious. It

October 7, 2020

As a leader, goal setting isn’t only important for you, it’s also essential for those on your team. It’s important to set goals for yourself as a leader so that you’re able to accomplish more, lead a team well, and get the results you need for the business. At the same time, you should help