Caring Hands: How to Deliver Feedback That Improves Performance

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As you give feedback or input to a person, their emotional brain may deflect or defend against it, depending on their beliefs of who they are as a person, and their perception of you as a leader. Your goal in giving great feedback is to help them move from a reaction (their emotional brain) to a decision (cognitive brain).

Once someone moves beyond their emotional reaction and begins to consider your input, they begin to make choices about what could work for them, and how to do it. When exploring and learning how to do this new thing, they may start to believe this could work for them. This is the area you as a leader want to work in when giving your input or feedback.

Randy Hall

About the author

I’ve had the privilege of coaching hundreds of leaders in all kinds of different businesses. Every day I get to help leaders and organizations create their best future. I also led my own teams in the corporate world for decades and I know how hard leadership can be. I am still learning every day but after conducting over 5,000 executive coaching conversations, I want to share the insights and tools that I know work for great leaders. Leadership is not a gift, it’s a set of thoughts we create, actions we take and habits we build to get consistently better results.
