Leadership Workout 01 The purpose of your interview is to find out how well your candidate has performed in the past, how they think, solve problems, handle challenges, and plan and prepare. Fitness Plan 02 The best questions, outlined in this workout, will give you the real story of your candidate’s past instead of a
February 10, 2021
Leadership Workout 01 Your success profile should look at potential new hires in 3 ways: experience, fit, and impact. When you have a success profile in place, you have an ideal picture to compare your new candidates to, and you’re able to approach the interview process in a way that helps you find people who
January 29, 2021
Leadership Workout 01 As you move into a new leadership role, or if you’re starting to rethink the way you’ve been leading, focus on laying a groundwork first, before jumping in and implementing change full force. Fitness Plan 02 Use this fitness plan in conjunction with the Leadership Workout: Ensuring a Successful Start as a
January 14, 2021
Leadership Workout 01 Let’s not compare compliance to non-compliance. Instead, let’s compare compliance to commitment based on these 5 factors: change; time; focus; legacy; agility. Fitness Plan 02 Ask yourself these questions: Am I involving people earlier in the decision making process, and in my thoughts and ideas? Am I putting my time into people
December 18, 2020
Leadership Workout 01 As a leader, goal setting isn’t only important for you, it’s also essential for those on your team. It’s important to set goals for yourself as a leader so that you’re able to accomplish more, lead a team well, and get the results you need for the business. Fitness Plan 02 Goals
December 11, 2020
Step 1 - Future State 01 As a leader, you can help someone create their future state, but you cannot make someone choose the future state that you desire for them. Step 2 - Ignition 02 Ignition is the spark that connects your emotional brain to your executive functions. This can rewire your brain and
December 4, 2020
Leadership Workout 01 Thoughts drive our actions, and actions lead to results. Proactive coaching begins with thoughts and is focused on setting others up for success instead of reacting to their results. Fitness Plan 02 Schedule proactive coaching, prepare for it, and be consistent with it. If you’re consistently coaching in a proactive way, others
December 3, 2020
Leadership Workout 01 After always believing that you can help others be successful by telling them what you think about their performance, it can be challenging to wrap your mind around the research that says otherwise. Fitness Plan 02 We’re able to have a positive impact in the daily life and careers of those around
November 30, 2020
Leadership Workout 01 What often happens in leadership is that instead of building accountability, we simply react to the lack of accountability. Fitness Plan 02 To create accountability in any group or even any individual, we have to first define it in a way that we can execute against. One of the things that I
November 13, 2020
Leadership Workout 01 If a leader can build a consistent approach as they coach and lead others, they have a tremendous opportunity to lead at a level that few people can even get close to. Fitness Plan 02 Habits are our brain’s way of automating things we repeat in our lives and some of the
November 3, 2020
Leadership Workout 01 It is critical to any successful journey that we choose a destination that is compelling, clear and helps to guide our choices along the way, and Leadership is no different. Fitness Plan 02 Starting with a clear definition of success means you can examine your habits, patterns and impulses to make sure