Get the Fitness Plan When someone isn’t performing at the level you believe is possible for them, you’ll often find that an initial conversation to help them get back on track is necessary. As you begin to speak to someone who isn’t performing at their best, keep in mind that you’re looking for evidence of alignment,
January 25, 2021
Use this fitness plan in conjunction with the Leadership Workout: Improve employee performance through better conversations - and consider how you can understand employee perspective, and then apply your own perspective to what they’ve shared with you, and how that creates alignment.
October 14, 2020
Get the Fitness PlanWarm upShortly after Columbus discovered the new world and new trade routes, there’s a story about him that tells of the nobles in Spain, essentially telling him it was no big deal and that they would have discovered the routes soon, even if he hadn’t. Columbus called for an egg and asked
October 12, 2020
Click the PDF icon above to access the fitness plan. If you have not watched the linked Leadership Workout above, it is very helpful to watch the video and then work through the fitness plan to support you as you implement the leadership concepts. Use this fitness plan in conjunction with the Leadership Workout -
October 12, 2020
Get the Fitness PlanWarm UpYou've inherited a team. Where they are today is a circumstance, where they are in 6 months is a choice.WorkoutOne of the things that I hear most when working with leaders is that they want their team to be more accountable. They may call it self starting or responsible or self sufficient