Leadership Development in Short, Consumable Bursts

Micro courses give you the narrow, targeted content you need without all the fluff. Learn what you want, when you want.

Career & Self Leadership

Leading & Coaching Others

Culture, Talent & Team

Get 3 micro courses for the price of 2. Use code 3for2 at checkout. Only for a limited time. Find yours now.

Your Time is Valuable

Changes in the way we work have affected how we approach leadership development. Teams are remote, and sometimes bringing everyone together isn't the best option, or even an option at all.

That's why we've built our leadership micro courses. Each one takes about an hour, including a video and workbook, and is a fast-paced dive into a highly specific topic.

So you can get in, get what you need, and get on with your business.

How our leadership micro Courses work


Find What You Need
  • Consider your workplace challenges. You may be having trouble leading remotely, creating a culture of accountability, or finding great talent
  • Browse our Micro Courses
  • Find your solutions

2 modules

each takes about an hour


Watch the Video
  • We call them Workout videos, and each one lasts between 20 and 30 minutes
  • Loaded with information that addresses a highly specific topic
  • Fast-paced and to the point
  • Watch as often as you'd like

1 video

20 - 30 minutes


Work the Workbook
  • This is not a simple, useless handout
  • Challenging questions that require thought and vision
  • Designed to help you put the video lesson into action
  • Download it, share it, challenge your team.

1 workbook

around 30 minutes

Randy Hall, Founder, Leadership Gym


I'm Randy Hall

I’ve had the privilege of coaching hundreds of leaders in all kinds of different businesses. Every day I get to help leaders and organizations create their best future. I also led my own teams in the corporate world for decades and I know how hard leadership can be. I am still learning every day but after conducting over 5,000 executive coaching conversations, I want to share the insights and tools that I know work for great leaders. Leadership is not a gift, it’s a set of thoughts we create, actions we take and habits we build to get consistently better results.

Leadership Gym, Founder & CEO

Real Success Stories

Randy Hall drives me crazy. When I need a coach to vent to, he challenges me with questions, instead of providing answers. It's not easy working with him because he makes you work really hard. He challenges you, he forces you to look at things differently, and he inspires you to become a better leader. I can't think of anything better.“

Gini D

CEO, Arment Dietrich

Randy's workshop was engaging, relevant and thoughtful, and weeks after the event we're still reviewing our notes, talking about it and excited about applying the lessons learned. I found Randy's style and approach to be both inspiring and practical, with just enough big picture (change management) concepts to work on and lots of day to day ways to apply best practices.

Bill S

Vice President, Sales & Marketing, Globe Express Services

Your coaching really helped me at a pivotal point in my career. I credit the work with you in helping my have the courage and the vision to push for what has become the Privacy Office and my role as Global Privacy Officer. It also helped me push for what became a promotion to Executive Director and then Vice President. I was truly at a crossroads and your guidance helped me shape what I wanted and helped me define concrete next steps to get me there.

Maureen D

Vice President

Course Spotlight

Find your definition of success

It is critical to any successful journey that we choose a destination that is compelling, clear and helps to guide our choices along the way.  Leadership is no different. Selecting our definition of success helps us ensure that the choices we make are helping us achieve our goals.

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Micro courses for leadership development

The Leadership Gym Evolves to Meet Your Needs Now

Find out why we work to improve the availability of leadership resources every day.

3 minute read

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Take the first step in your leadership journey

100% Satisfaction Guarantee for 30-Days


When you make a purchase on the Leadership Gym website you are protected by our 100% Satisfaction Guarantee. If you don't feel like you've received value let us know within 30 days and we will refund your purchase. We don't rely on special rules or obscure terms of service to keep you here. If you're not satisfied simply let us know by completing the contact form in the footer on this or any page on the site.

Frequently asked questions

What is a micro course?

Micro courses are small bursts of training and development that you can consume quickly from anywhere you're connected. They are highly targeted to a specific topic or discipline, and provide information without fluff.

What are the overarching topics?

Each micro course we offer provides information about a very specific topic, challenge or issue you face in the real world. But all of our courses fall into at least one of three categories: Career and Self Leadership, Leading and Coaching Others, and Culture, Talent & Team.

How long do they take?

Our leadership development micro courses take about an hour, including a 20 - 30 minute Workout video and a workbook that we call a Fitness Plan. They're designed to give you deep, meaningful insight in a short amount of time.

How do I know where to start?

In the Leadership Gym, you have the opportunity to chart your own path depending on your needs or the challenges you're facing. But we find a great place to start is by Finding Your Definition of Success, because if you don't know that, how can you know where you're going?
