APCC: Ensuring a Successful Start as a Leader

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Slow down when you first step into a new leadership role. As you’re learning and trying new things, it’s critical to give yourself enough time to see if the path you’re taking is the best one for you and your team. Having ample time will give you an opportunity to plan appropriately and sufficiently as you start to think about implementing change.

Define success. Think through a realistic picture of what success and improvement looks like to you. Decide the kind of leader you want to be, and the kind of team you want to have. Include your superior and make an effort to understand their picture of success. This will create alignment and will ensure you have their support in this leadership role.

Randy Hall

About the author

I’ve had the privilege of coaching hundreds of leaders in all kinds of different businesses. Every day I get to help leaders and organizations create their best future. I also led my own teams in the corporate world for decades and I know how hard leadership can be. I am still learning every day but after conducting over 5,000 executive coaching conversations, I want to share the insights and tools that I know work for great leaders. Leadership is not a gift, it’s a set of thoughts we create, actions we take and habits we build to get consistently better results.
