August 10, 2020

Most people don’t show up to do the wrong thing everyday, despite how it might feel some days. Most people are doing their best given the habits they have, the thoughts they have, the intentions they have, and the clarity they have.

August 3, 2020

Making our team dance to the beat of our insecurities, impulses, habits and needs is one of the quickest ways to cause them to want to work for someone else instead, and to spend more of their time telling friends and others what a terrible leader we are.

July 27, 2020

To get better at something, we need to know what good looks like and have a picture of that thing in our head. If you want to get better at something, you start with that picture in your mind, and then you practice to work toward it.

July 13, 2020

Learning as a leader is essential to our continuous improvement. For most of us, one of the real drivers of why we want to lead in the first place is because we get a bigger chance to help others as part of how we spend our life.

June 29, 2020

Whether you want to lead yourself, your team, a function, an entire business or even a family or a community at a higher level, we will be there to help.

June 24, 2020

The knowing-doing gap in leadership is just as real as it is in other areas of our world. Knowing something creates possibilities but without focused and organized action, they remain possibilities. And while possibilities are important, eventually we want them to turn into actualities if we are going to achieve progress.

June 17, 2020

Do you ever feel like the quickest and most efficient way of communicating and increasing productivity is telling others the direction they should be moving in, instead of helping them find their own path to the outcome they want? We've all been there. However, there is a better way to create change and have greater impact as a leader.

June 4, 2020

There are a few key things to consider as we think about helping anyone build confidence. While confidence can appear to be an overarching personality trait, it is actually more task specific in many cases.