May 6, 2021

I was having a conversation with a coaching client recently and we started talking about the difference between progress and attendance. The difference between showing up and being present and doing what’s required of you vs. showing up and taking ownership for the impact you have that day. We all have days where we are just

March 29, 2021

Change is a fantastic opportunity to be at our best as a leader. Use these four steps to lead change in times of uncertainty and resistance.

December 14, 2020

I hear it a lot when working with managers and leaders.  “I wish my boss were here to learn this.”  It’s hard not to be focusing on becoming a better leader and sometimes wish there were better leaders around you. Or even more importantly, that you had one of those better leaders as a boss. It

October 12, 2020

Find me a leader who has time dedicated each week to learning how to be a better leader, and I will show you a leader who will leave a tremendous legacy.

September 14, 2020

A business’s culture has a lot to do with the results it gets, the people it attracts, and the sustainability of it’s growth.

July 27, 2020

Download Fitness Plan Linked Content Leadership Workout: Choosing how your team works, do you want commitment or complianceClick the PDF icon above to access the fitness plan.  If you have not watched the linked Leadership Workout above, it is very helpful to watch the video and then work through the fitness plan to support you