Leaders prepare to lead a team by finding a routine that helps them think intentionally about what their people need, what good would look like today, and how to spend their time so that they make the biggest difference they can.
June 24, 2020
The knowing-doing gap in leadership is just as real as it is in other areas of our world. Knowing something creates possibilities but without focused and organized action, they remain possibilities. And while possibilities are important, eventually we want them to turn into actualities if we are going to achieve progress.
June 17, 2020
Do you ever feel like the quickest and most efficient way of communicating and increasing productivity is telling others the direction they should be moving in, instead of helping them find their own path to the outcome they want? We've all been there. However, there is a better way to create change and have greater impact as a leader.
I have often heard leaders tell me that to get to the next level, or sometimes to get their business to the next level, they need to be more strategic. Usually the conversation happens because someone gave them that feedback. And it’s true, the more of an organization you lead, the more strategic you have
I have often heard leaders tell me that to get to the next level, or sometimes to get their business to the next level, they need to be more strategic. Usually the conversation happens because someone gave them that feedback. And it’s true, the more of an organization you lead, the more strategic you have