February 23, 2021

Leadership can be about motivation, helping others move toward a new goal, or learn and grow. But leaders need motivation too.

February 16, 2021

There is no more important thing a leader can do than consider, plan for, and practice effective conversations with others that they lead.

February 9, 2021

I was talking to a friend of mine not too long ago and he was telling me about a vacation that he was planning.  He shared some of the details, and as he was describing the trip I learned more about the destination, the kind of experience it would be and candidly, I kind of

February 2, 2021

One of the words I hear more and more these days as I work with leaders and business owners is “stress”.  The challenges of leadership are always significant, but now many leaders are having to cope with leading remotely, struggling or dramatically changing business environments, and a team that is also increasingly stressed.  As leaders,

January 26, 2021

Pretty often I get to work with leaders who feel like they should stop doing something that is getting in the way of their best leadership.  They might want to stop reacting impulsively, they might want to stop focusing on mistakes or weaknesses in others so much, they might want to stop procrastinating, or maybe

January 19, 2021

Leadership is overwhelmingly about the future. It’s the reason leaders even need to exist. If the future wasn’t important or couldn’t be changed, there would be no need for leaders at all. It’s often been said that leaders need to peer into the future to see it ahead of time. Or they need to be able

January 13, 2021

Much of leadership is about making choices. Sometimes when there are choices to be made, we start to make decisions based on the amount of discomfort involved with the solution. It’s a natural thing to do. If we think this is the right way to solve a problem, help a person on our team improve,

January 6, 2021

It’s that time of year again when people begin looking for a fresh start, a new approach and a slightly better version of ourselves. We use turning the calendar over as an opportunity to reinvent, reimagine, and recommit to something new and improved. We resolve to be better, do better, accomplish more and achieve new

December 28, 2020

Somewhere close to 90% of New Year’s resolutions are abandoned before March ends.  We humans don’t have a very good track record of doing the things we want to if they are different from what we are doing now.  It’s not because we are bad people, lack integrity, lied about it, didn’t want it bad enough,

December 14, 2020

I hear it a lot when working with managers and leaders.  “I wish my boss were here to learn this.”  It’s hard not to be focusing on becoming a better leader and sometimes wish there were better leaders around you. Or even more importantly, that you had one of those better leaders as a boss. It

November 18, 2020

I have often heard leaders tell me that to get to the next level, or sometimes to get their business to the next level, they need to be more strategic.  Usually the conversation happens because someone gave them that feedback.  And it’s true, the more of an organization you lead, the more strategic you have

November 4, 2020

I came across some research recently that said managers spend 17% of their time dealing with problem employees.  That’s pretty much one day a week that they feel is lost to the time associated with people who are doing a poor job. If you have a management role and I asked what you would choose to

October 26, 2020

If you look at many businesses, there is a critical component of success that can often be the thing that sets them apart from their competitors and from other businesses in general - How well they develop leaders. It affects every single part of the business, determines their future, and is the most multiplied factor in

October 21, 2020

Several years ago I was teaching a leadership workshop for a group of managers, and part of my team was teaching selling skills to their sales reps at the same meeting. Part of that selling class involved the sales reps writing down their personal and professional goals as a foundation for the work they were

October 12, 2020

Find me a leader who has time dedicated each week to learning how to be a better leader, and I will show you a leader who will leave a tremendous legacy.

October 9, 2020

Part of how we excel as leaders is by helping to develop more leaders. That means we get to do more than just make this week, month, or year better.  We get to leave a legacy that will reach far beyond what we can see.  

September 30, 2020

If we are stuck in a historic view of a shifting, changing, evolving landscape of how to lead others, we are missing opportunities

September 20, 2020

Coaching skills are essential to good leadership and they build a strong foundation for helping anyone accomplish more.

September 14, 2020

A business’s culture has a lot to do with the results it gets, the people it attracts, and the sustainability of it’s growth.

August 31, 2020

We can improve our effectiveness, our emotional intelligence, our insight, and our level of happiness by using a journal in an organized way.

August 26, 2020

Leadership isn’t about traits.  Yes, you have to be a decent human to lead most of the time, and certainly to do it for any length of time.  But beyond that, anyone can establish a set of processes and habits that serve them and the people they lead exceptionally well.