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APCC: Uncovering a Candidate's True Potential

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Leadership Workout 


The purpose of your interview is to find out how well your candidate has performed in the past, how they think, solve problems, handle challenges, and plan and prepare.

Fitness Plan 


The best questions, outlined in this workout, will give you the real story of your candidate’s past instead of a picture of what their future could look like in a new role.

Even the greatest leaders can fall short when it comes to recruiting and hiring. If you feel that you’re not bringing the right talent to your team, you can start now by making sure you’re asking the kind of questions that will help you uncover the ability and true potential of your candidates. 

Randy Hall

About the author

I’ve had the privilege of coaching hundreds of leaders in all kinds of different businesses. Every day I get to help leaders and organizations create their best future. I also led my own teams in the corporate world for decades and I know how hard leadership can be. I am still learning every day but after conducting over 5,000 executive coaching conversations, I want to share the insights and tools that I know work for great leaders. Leadership is not a gift, it’s a set of thoughts we create, actions we take and habits we build to get consistently better results.
