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How to Resolve Conflict and Move Forward – APCC

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Resolve conflict and move forward
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Leadership Workout


Having a consistent process for assessing your team will allow you to review your team in a structured way, add clarity to your coaching conversations, and prioritize your time in a way that ensures you’re spending time in the right places, and on the right things.

Fitness Plan


No one is immune from conflict, and you’ll notice as a manager of a business or leader of a team that's something you’ll find yourself facing often. Eliminate it quickly and move on to more important things by using
a process for dealing with conflict in a systematic way. 

When people are working together, conflict is bound to happen. Having a process in place for resolving it as quickly as possible is necessary so the conflict doesn’t grow and consume every aspect of your world.

Time: Approx. 1 hr.

Segment: Leading and coaching others

Workouts: 1 course video

Fitness Plans: 1 course worksheet

Presenter: Randy Hall

Randy Hall

About the author

I’ve had the privilege of coaching hundreds of leaders in all kinds of different businesses. Every day I get to help leaders and organizations create their best future. I also led my own teams in the corporate world for decades and I know how hard leadership can be. I am still learning every day but after conducting over 5,000 executive coaching conversations, I want to share the insights and tools that I know work for great leaders. Leadership is not a gift, it’s a set of thoughts we create, actions we take and habits we build to get consistently better results.
